Shell Script for sum of first N natural numbers

We will discuss here how to find the sum of first n natural numbers.
Sum=S = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ……………….. + n

❖ Algorithm
Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : Display “Enter the number of N”
Step 3 : read n
Step 4 : sum ← 0
Step 5 : Repeat Step 6
i ← 0
While i ≤ n
Step 6 : sum ← sum + i
Step 7 : Display “the sum is” sum
Step 8 : Stop
Source Code


#! /bin/bash
# Author : Sounak Pal
#website :
## Script to add first n numbers
echo "Enter the number of N"
read n
for (( i=0; i<=n; i++ ))
      sum=$((sum + I))
echo -e "The sum of first N number is \t $sum"



❖ Input:
Enter the number of N

❖ Output:
The sum of first N number is 21

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